Thursday, April 18, 2013

Script #1!!! XD



Narrator: Nothing to do on a dreary Saturday morning? 
Actor 1:  *nods*
Narrator: Your pet doesn't want to play with you? 
Actor 1:  *nods*
Narrator: Tired of cleaning up the poo and pee on the floor of your un potty trained pet? 
Actor 1:  *nods*
Narrator: Pet food too expensive for your puny high school allowance? 
Actor 1:  *nods *
Narrator: Don't wait any longer! Get the new and improved Boxitchi! Its 1,000,000x fun than any real pet can be! Connect with other Boxitchis to get items and fun toys for your pets! TONS OF FUN FOR EVERYONE! Don't wait now! If you order within the next 5 seconds you can get the first one for $12.99, and the second one for $1.99!! 

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