Sunday, April 7, 2013

Techniques of persuasion:  motivating the consumer

Stacking:  list of reasons why the product or service is good
Repetition:  makes product or service familiar to consumer
Slogan:  identifies product or service with an idea
Logo:  identifies product or service with a symbol
Snob Appeal:  associates product or service with a personality or lifestyle
Cause and Effect:  use this product or service and your problems will disappear
Emotional Appeal: uses emotion to sell a product or service (pity, fear, patriotism, happiness,etc.)
Price Appeal:  consumers will be getting something extra for less money
Testimonial:  someone endorses the product
Sex Appeal: the product will enhance you sexual attractiveness.
Bandwagon:  uses peer pressure to influence the consumer. If everyone else is doing it so should you.
Confusion:  gains the consumers attention by confusing them, and then retains the attention as the consumer tries to figure out the message.
Technical Jargon:  uses technical words to impress the consumer
Transfer:  associates the product with words or ideas that may or may not be related to the product.  The association seeks to transfer certain qualities to the product.
Name Calling:  the advertiser compares its product or service to the competition in a way that is favorable to the advertiser.
Plain Folks:  the advertiser tries to identify its product with common people just like you.
Glittering Generality:  the viewer is given a general feeling about the product, but not much else.

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